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Probiotics don’t work! UNLESS…

Writer's picture: Dr. Ashmita Boopathy MoturiDr. Ashmita Boopathy Moturi

Gut microbiomes, Dysbiosis, Good bug, Bad Bacteria, Leaky Gut…terms previously only used by medical professionals has become common knowledge now…in fact it has become part of everyday conversations across cubicles at work or overheard chatter by the table next to you at a restaurant.

The most common topic of discussion happens to be about how each person feels so strongly opiniated about their choice of probiotics…All that cacophony over tiny bacteria that share a mere symbiotic relationship with us.    

Many have started realizing that Gut health is central to everything in the body. Your gut decides how well you perform in your toilet, in your bedroom and in your work place! Oh Yes…how you defecate, how your hormones flow and even how well you think…is governed by how well you maintain your GUT! This is why paying attention to gut health and choosing the right probiotic are so important.

I have had so many clients discussing how they have been consuming probiotics – the expensive ones, the imported ones, the supermarket ones and even the home-made ones…while it did provide relief…it was only temporary.

Before we begin to defame the probiotic, let us first understand why this happens: Tune your attention to your gut environment. Picture a typical Greek battlefield…the Clash of the Titans…something like that…Your Good bacteria is currently fighting a loosing battle facing an onslaught from the bad bacteria plus your unpleasant thought process creating a more acidic environment making it almost unendurable for the good guys to hold fort.

Probiotics cannot and DO NOT work in this environment. They can contribute very little…the little they contribute is what you experience as temporary relief.

The first step for Probiotics to work would be to hand them a clean playing field instead of a battlefield. The ONLY…and the most effective way to achieve this is Gut Detox through – Colon Hydro Therapy. Clean up the piled up fecal matter (accumulated over the years), which is harboring the bad guys. Destroy the bad guys…and then pick the best probiotic…and watch it unfold its magic!

What are Probiotics? Probiotics are supplements that contain live microorganisms intended to maintain or improve the "good" bacteria (healthy normal microflora) in the body. Prebiotics act as food for human microflora.



In other words, the intent of probiotics is to help restore and maintain an environment that favors the growth of normal gut microbiota. Many quite often think probiotics are the gut flora…they are NOT! If you are deficient in either the quantity or the diversity of the required gut flora there is very little probiotics can do to improve your gut health.

For maximal digestive health and function, you want a balanced gut microbiota—the system of bacteria, yeast, fungi and other organisms that play a large role in gut health and overall health. Once again A thorough DETOX followed by good diet and mindful thought process is a pre request for your Probiotic to become a champion. 

What makes a Probiotic - Champion?

1.      Immune Stimulation:

Did you know 70% of the immune system resides in the digestive tract? Your Probiotic should have the ability to stimulate your immune system…especially stimulate the production of Immunoglobulin A (IgA) — the main antibody in your digestive tract that helps defend against infections.


2.      Survive antibiotics:

Antibiotics are prescribed to fight bacterial infections. Taking antibiotics helps get rid of bacteria from your body, unfortunately, including some of the “good” bacteria in your gut along with the bad. Your probiotics should have the ability to survive the antibiotics and continue to foster healthy intestinal flora, even if you’re taking it at the same time as antibiotics to help protect and restore digestive balance when your immune system is under attack.


3.      Survive the acidic environment in the stomach:

Let’s face it—the stomach is a harsh environment and many bacteria-based probiotics don’t survive the acidic environment well. This means that some probiotics ingredients or supplements may be less effective than you think. Your probiotic should be able to withstand stomach acid, bile and pancreatic juices that occur through the digestive process. Only and ONLY…then can the probiotic reach the colon in an active state, and help re-balance gut microbiomes and promote healthy intestinal flora throughout the digestive system.


4.      Protection From Unhealthy Bacteria:

Your pre-probiotic should have the ability to suppress undesirable reactions caused by toxic bacteria like food poisoning. Some probiotics can even protect you from salmonella and other food related illness


5.      Should not permanently colonize the gut:

Remember, the role of a probiotic is to help restore the balance of microbiota in the gut, by flushing out harmful bacteria and to make room for good bacteria to flourish. They should not permanently colonize the gut.


6.      Repair & Restore:

Your probiotic should play a key role in the repair and restoration of damaged tissue along the digestive track to strengthen the cell barrier.


7.      Should help digestion and nutrient absorption:

Probiotic should help guard the intestinal lining from harmful bacteria and increases the production of digestive enzymes, which help break down dietary sugars. This action improves the absorption of water and nutrients in your small intestine, so you can get more nutrition and hydration from the foods you eat. In fact some probiotics also increases levels of the short-chain fatty acid preferred by your body for energy by 60%, so you may notice an energy increase too.

Some people have trouble with certain probiotic strains, so bacteria-based probiotics may not be the right choice for them. If you’re not sure which probiotic to take—and we know there are many choices out there—talk to a DETOX SPECIALIST first.

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